This was the very best Thanksgiving to date. Just me and my two favorite boys and a fantastic dinner catered by our local Super Target.
I am thankful for:
God (more than you'll ever know)
Jason. Brett. Miles. He completes me.
The most perfect, precious son.
The roof over my head.
My job.
My Iphone.
My health.
My wonderful and faithful friends.
My parents and my inlaws.
Brad Paisley.
I'm pretty confident that I could go on and on.......
I hope that each and everyone of you had the best Thanksgiving. Enjoy your families, and be kind to one another =)
For Better......For Worse, but not for granted.

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Viva Las Vegas!
Well, my noble and faithful readers I apologize for the very lengthy delay in posts. I must admit, sometimes I'm just too tired. I know that is a poor excuse, but I LOVE to sleep. Since I just don't get enough of it, I take advantage when I can. The reason for this post is to tell you about our recent trip to Las Vegas! Jason and I have not traveled together in 6 years!! This past weekend we took a little weekend trip (Thur - Sunday) to go to Las Vegas. I had never been, but Jason had. Oh how I loved "the Vegas!" We walked, and walked, and shopped, and shopped, and saw some great shows. We enjoyed some fantastic buffets and dinners, and all in all just enjoyed each others company. It's nice to get one on one time with your partner whenever you can, especially when you have children. We stayed at the brand new Aria hotel, behind the Bellagio. When we walked into our room after check in the curtains drew back and music began to play! It was fantastic! Jason wanted to make sure I got to see everything, and let me tell ya, we walked our booties off! I can say that my favorite hotel was the Venetian! It was so beautiful, and there was some fantastic shopping to be done there! One of the shows we got to see was Le Reve at the Wynn. We sat in the very front row! It was so good!!! I would definitely recommend it to anyone going to Vegas! After the show we stayed around the Wynn and sat at a piano bar until 2am! I can't even remember the last time I stayed up that late! Sleeping in was great, even though the 2 hour time change was tough getting used to. On our last night Jason took me to Freemont street. I really, really enjoyed that. We did some people watching, and boy oh boy are there some interesting folks out there late at night! (Made me really thankful for what I have back home.) I can say the the amount of homeless people I saw just broke my heart. Something else that I still can't stop thinking about was all the young mothers I saw walking around late at night pushing their babies in strollers. I felt so bad for those poor, sweet babies. I just felt like they ought to be home and in bed. Like I said though, I came back very thankful for my family and the roof over my head.
On a different note, I recently celebrated my one year anniversary with Schneider Logistics. It's so crazy to me that it has been one year already. I was very fortunate, and was only unemployed for one month. I've learned a lot this past year, especially the importance of family. I'm so thankful that, as of very recently, I get to leave work at 4pm now. That puts me home almost one hour sooner every night, which means more time with Jaxon during the week. Being home at night is VERY important to me. My mother had to work two jobs when I was growing up, and I rarely got to see her during the week. I am very fortunate and blessed with my current circumstances, and I definitely don't take them for granted.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Summer Fun!
The weekend of June 12 my bff's and I went to see Tim McGraw and Lady A in concert. We sat out on the lawn and enjoyed each other's company and great music. When the concert was over we sat on the lawn until every last person had left! We hung out til about 1am....and let me tell you, that is LATE for me! I had sooo much fun though! We laughed, and people watched, and even had breakfast at Whataburger.
Last weekend (Juneteenth) Jason and I celebrated our 6 year wedding Anniversary. Jaxon went and stayed with is Papa and Nana and we enjoyed a weekend together. We saw a movie with friends, enjoyed dinner, and sleeping in! I got a BEAUTIFUL 1.5 carrot diamond "right hand" ring. I LOVE it!!! I stare at it about 500 times a day! I got Jason season 2 of True Blood and some contraption that goes on his xbox to make it run faster/better? The Sunday after our Anniversary was Father's day. We went up to Corsicana to go to church with Jason's family, and then afterwards enjoyed lunch and family time before loading up Jaxon and heading home. It was a great weekend.
We had our yearly garage sale this weekend. I like to try and do 2 a year, and I like to do them in the fall and spring, but time got the best of me and sadly I waited until summer for this one. I said I would go from 7am-11am to stay out of the heat, and we were pretty successful. We made almost $400! The night before our sale while we were getting the baby clothes organized and put into tubs and I started crying. My sweet boy is just growing up so fast, and getting rid of some of his baby clothes broke my heart a little. We did sell our ping pong table, and some patio furniture. I sold one of my Coach purses and my Nintendo DS. Those were our big ticket items! LOL Jason worked so hard all day long today completely cleaning out our garage. It looks so beautiful! He set up Jaxon's little basketball goal he got for his birthday so now hopefully we can play!
After our yard sale we took a nap and then took Jaxon to see his very first movie at the theatre! I was more excited than he was, that's for sure! We took him to see Toy Story 3! He loves Buzz and Woody and watches the first two at home so good, I figured he would do just fine at the theatre. He did great! He ate 2 buckets of popcorn!! LOL Jason and I enjoyed the movie as well. I cried like a baby!! If you have seen it then you'll know why. I thought it was a great show and can't wait to own it.
July is full of so much fun! My super great friend Marissa and I share July birthday's and we have great things planned. For her birthday we are heading to OK to visit Rhonda and have a girls night out! I am very excited! I love my bff's and look forward to time with them. For my birthday we are going to Schlitterbahn! Jason and I LOVE that place and I am super pumped about going this year!
Something else I'm SUPER excited about is getting in to see this new doctor that I found in Dallas that specializes in UC/CD. I'm getting a second opinion. I've waited long enough I believe, and I keep telling myself over and over that a second opinion is the only thing that is going to make me feel better and calm my fears. This particular DR books about a month or two out, so after getting all my records and paperwork sent from office to another I was finally able to make an apt! By the grace of God, somebody had cancelled so I got the July 7th spot! I literally jumped up and down when they called me! I have been in so much pain, and not able to sleep. I can't take it anymore. I tried to go walking with my neighbor the other night and I couldn't even finish. My legs and joints hurt so incredibly bad. I wake up about 3-4 times each night in so much pain. I've even slept on the couch once so as not to wake Jason up. My weight gain makes me HATE looking in the mirror and I avoid camera's at all cost! I know its the side effects of the medication, but I just can't go on like this. I'm hoping this new doctor will maybe lead me in a different direction or at least give me some different feedback. I'm super glad she's a woman, and in Dallas, right by my work, so I don't have to keep driving back and forth into Denton all the time.
I hope you all are having a great start to the summer and I will keep you posted after my doctor appt!
Last weekend (Juneteenth) Jason and I celebrated our 6 year wedding Anniversary. Jaxon went and stayed with is Papa and Nana and we enjoyed a weekend together. We saw a movie with friends, enjoyed dinner, and sleeping in! I got a BEAUTIFUL 1.5 carrot diamond "right hand" ring. I LOVE it!!! I stare at it about 500 times a day! I got Jason season 2 of True Blood and some contraption that goes on his xbox to make it run faster/better? The Sunday after our Anniversary was Father's day. We went up to Corsicana to go to church with Jason's family, and then afterwards enjoyed lunch and family time before loading up Jaxon and heading home. It was a great weekend.
We had our yearly garage sale this weekend. I like to try and do 2 a year, and I like to do them in the fall and spring, but time got the best of me and sadly I waited until summer for this one. I said I would go from 7am-11am to stay out of the heat, and we were pretty successful. We made almost $400! The night before our sale while we were getting the baby clothes organized and put into tubs and I started crying. My sweet boy is just growing up so fast, and getting rid of some of his baby clothes broke my heart a little. We did sell our ping pong table, and some patio furniture. I sold one of my Coach purses and my Nintendo DS. Those were our big ticket items! LOL Jason worked so hard all day long today completely cleaning out our garage. It looks so beautiful! He set up Jaxon's little basketball goal he got for his birthday so now hopefully we can play!
After our yard sale we took a nap and then took Jaxon to see his very first movie at the theatre! I was more excited than he was, that's for sure! We took him to see Toy Story 3! He loves Buzz and Woody and watches the first two at home so good, I figured he would do just fine at the theatre. He did great! He ate 2 buckets of popcorn!! LOL Jason and I enjoyed the movie as well. I cried like a baby!! If you have seen it then you'll know why. I thought it was a great show and can't wait to own it.
July is full of so much fun! My super great friend Marissa and I share July birthday's and we have great things planned. For her birthday we are heading to OK to visit Rhonda and have a girls night out! I am very excited! I love my bff's and look forward to time with them. For my birthday we are going to Schlitterbahn! Jason and I LOVE that place and I am super pumped about going this year!
Something else I'm SUPER excited about is getting in to see this new doctor that I found in Dallas that specializes in UC/CD. I'm getting a second opinion. I've waited long enough I believe, and I keep telling myself over and over that a second opinion is the only thing that is going to make me feel better and calm my fears. This particular DR books about a month or two out, so after getting all my records and paperwork sent from office to another I was finally able to make an apt! By the grace of God, somebody had cancelled so I got the July 7th spot! I literally jumped up and down when they called me! I have been in so much pain, and not able to sleep. I can't take it anymore. I tried to go walking with my neighbor the other night and I couldn't even finish. My legs and joints hurt so incredibly bad. I wake up about 3-4 times each night in so much pain. I've even slept on the couch once so as not to wake Jason up. My weight gain makes me HATE looking in the mirror and I avoid camera's at all cost! I know its the side effects of the medication, but I just can't go on like this. I'm hoping this new doctor will maybe lead me in a different direction or at least give me some different feedback. I'm super glad she's a woman, and in Dallas, right by my work, so I don't have to keep driving back and forth into Denton all the time.
I hope you all are having a great start to the summer and I will keep you posted after my doctor appt!
Friday, May 21, 2010
This and That
I can't sleep. I guess its a real good thing its Friday night and I don't have to get up for work tomorrow. Oh wait, I do have to get up early and get my oil changed, and transmission fluid replaced. I hate that I can't sleep. If you know me at all, then you know I can sleep anywhere, anytime....with the exception of being on steroids. Another side affect, horrible leg cramps. One night this week I woke up 8 times! Last night was so bad I came into the living room bawling my eyes out. I thought I was crippled. My hands do this funny thing too where they cramp up real bad and stop working all together. I need to eat more banana's. I go back for my next doctor visit in 2 weeks. Hopefully all will be well.
Work was very stressful this week. I've kept it to myself, and eaten lots of thin mints. I can honestly say that no matter how stressful my day is at work, the moment I get Jaxon nothing else matters. I forget about all my problems and enjoy my time with him.
I feel like my relationship with Jesus gets better and better everyday. I really do.
I jumped back on the twitter bandwagon. jaxonsmomma08 Follow me =)
Another bandwagon I'm considering jumping back on is Greys Anatomy. Once I had Jaxon I quit watching it because I just didn't have time. So for 2 years I have apparently missed out. I watched the season finale tonight on Hulu because ALL the facebook status's just had me so stinkin curious. Needless to say, it was the most intense television I have ever watched! I twittered all the way through it! LOL
Another show I thoroughly enjoy is Modern Family!
After reading a friends blog the other night I got a wild idea to see if my 4 bff's would want to get matching tattoo's. Crazy, I know...just thought it might be fun. I'm pretty sure it will never happen....but the thought was fun. Not sure what on earth we would all get??? Matching tree houses??
Well, I just thought I would updated the ol' blog since sleeping isn't in my immediate future. I updated my background and added a few new pics. Hope you enjoy.
sleep well everyone
Work was very stressful this week. I've kept it to myself, and eaten lots of thin mints. I can honestly say that no matter how stressful my day is at work, the moment I get Jaxon nothing else matters. I forget about all my problems and enjoy my time with him.
I feel like my relationship with Jesus gets better and better everyday. I really do.
I jumped back on the twitter bandwagon. jaxonsmomma08 Follow me =)
Another bandwagon I'm considering jumping back on is Greys Anatomy. Once I had Jaxon I quit watching it because I just didn't have time. So for 2 years I have apparently missed out. I watched the season finale tonight on Hulu because ALL the facebook status's just had me so stinkin curious. Needless to say, it was the most intense television I have ever watched! I twittered all the way through it! LOL
Another show I thoroughly enjoy is Modern Family!
After reading a friends blog the other night I got a wild idea to see if my 4 bff's would want to get matching tattoo's. Crazy, I know...just thought it might be fun. I'm pretty sure it will never happen....but the thought was fun. Not sure what on earth we would all get??? Matching tree houses??
Well, I just thought I would updated the ol' blog since sleeping isn't in my immediate future. I updated my background and added a few new pics. Hope you enjoy.
sleep well everyone
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Since I have been out of the hospital and on steroids I have gained a little weight. The doctor informed me that I would get a little puffy, but I knew that...because, hello! they are steroids! I don't care about the weight gain so much as I just want to be healthy. Well, a few weeks ago at my cousin's wedding someone approached me and asked if we were expecting another baby. I didn't really get terribly offended, as I just thought maybe she had noticed my slight weight gain since the last time she had seen me. Well the following Monday when I went to pick up my child from daycare one of the mothers of a child in Jaxon's class came up to me and said, "Aw I didn't know you guys were expecting again!" I nicely told her I was not, that it was my medication that has made me gain a few pounds, smiled and walked away. Of course I instantly called my husband crying when I got into my car. He made me feel slightly better, but those sort of comments you just don't forget. Especially being that they were 2 days within each other.
WELL TODAY (AND YES I AM TYPING IN CAPS BECAUSE I AM STILL SO UPSET!!) WHILE SHOPPING AT THE MALL WITH A COUPLE OF MY BFF'S, COURTNEY AND MARISSA, MY HUSBAND AND OF COURSE JAXON, THIS MAN WALKS UP TO ME AND HANDS ME A POSTCARD ADVERTISING HIS PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS AND TELLS ME TO CALL HIM WHEN MY BABY COMES. ARE YOU STINKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!!!! Well I instantly teared up. I mean, seriously, I don't get people! You should NEVER under any circumstances assume that a woman is pregnant unless you are 110% sure. I have always been relatively thin so I know that people are thinking, "Wow, Sarah sure has put on a few!" I'm on steroids people!!!! I am constantly hungry!! I know that once I get off of them (hopefully) I will get rid of some of this excess junk...but until then, I'm going to just focus on getting healthy.
Deal Lord,
Please continue to heal my body and help rid me of this disease. As for the next person that asks me if I am pregnant, please give me the strength NOT to want to punch them directly in the throat! In your name I pray,
WELL TODAY (AND YES I AM TYPING IN CAPS BECAUSE I AM STILL SO UPSET!!) WHILE SHOPPING AT THE MALL WITH A COUPLE OF MY BFF'S, COURTNEY AND MARISSA, MY HUSBAND AND OF COURSE JAXON, THIS MAN WALKS UP TO ME AND HANDS ME A POSTCARD ADVERTISING HIS PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS AND TELLS ME TO CALL HIM WHEN MY BABY COMES. ARE YOU STINKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!!!! Well I instantly teared up. I mean, seriously, I don't get people! You should NEVER under any circumstances assume that a woman is pregnant unless you are 110% sure. I have always been relatively thin so I know that people are thinking, "Wow, Sarah sure has put on a few!" I'm on steroids people!!!! I am constantly hungry!! I know that once I get off of them (hopefully) I will get rid of some of this excess junk...but until then, I'm going to just focus on getting healthy.
Deal Lord,
Please continue to heal my body and help rid me of this disease. As for the next person that asks me if I am pregnant, please give me the strength NOT to want to punch them directly in the throat! In your name I pray,
Saturday, May 08, 2010
No Title
I twittered at 3 am that I could update my blog. 3 am, you ask? Steroids DO NOT like for you to sleep! Steroids, you ask....okay, let's begin.
At the beginning of April I went into the hospital. (Back in January I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that I will need to monitor for the rest of my days. Not going to get into so many details, nor is it super alarming or scary, but it is what it is.) I was checked in on a Tuesday and got released on Saturday. Those were the longest days of my life!!! Being away from my family was so incredibly hard. I'm the MOM! I take care of things. Not cooking dinner, not laying out clothes, not giving baths or reading bedtime stories....hurt my heart! Well, my super-dad of a husband was FANTASTIC! He took care of EVERYTHING! I made him go to work, as, Really? What is there to do in a hospital room? He took care of Jaxon, coordinated with our wonderful friends and one of his brothers to watch Jaxon for a few hours each night so he could bring me dinner and visit. He brought Jaxon up a few times so I could see him. We had a wonderful McDonald's picnic right on my hospital bed. And of course, I got wonderful visits from my super great friends, phone calls, flowers, books, magazines, and cookies! My heart is still so full from all the love and support that was given to me. Our pastor and music leader came up to the hospital to visit and pray with me and I just thought that was so wonderful. I had alot of time to read, think, and pray while I was in there. My doctor felt that my issue flared up due to stress, and I had to agree. I was so overwhelmed with everything I had going on in April, and I was slightly stressed at work. I just couldn't say no to anything or anyone that asked me to do something or invited us to go somewhere. I try so hard to be super mom and I'm hear to tell ya, that is one hard job! Especially if a super mom has a full time job! Since leaving the hospital I can say that I do feel great! I'm a couple of different medications, one being steroids. Aside from them making my face super puffy, and keeping me up at night...I can't complain. You'd be surprised what all you could get done at 4 o'clock in the morning! LOL My doctor said I have a long road, as I'm not in the clear yet, but I am very hopeful and optimistic. As I was walking into work one morning shortly after my hospital stay, this sweet Christian man that works with me was walking in at the same time. When he turned around and saw me his eyes lit up and he said, "Sarah, I heard this song on the radio on my in this morning, and it was called, "It's Over." I don't what you are going through, but I thought about you when I heard that song, and God really laid it on my heart to tell you that whatever it is you are dealing with, its over." I smiled and said, "thank you." As I was going up the elevator I got a little teary. God works in mysterious ways, and I feel like HE uses his people to speak to us. HE has blessed me beyond belief and I thank HIM everyday for all that HE has provided.
Lets see, so much to say, yet I just can't seem to find a place to begin.
Our sweet Jaxon turned 2 on April 22nd. We had a wonderful birthday party for him at the park down by our house. It was supposed to rain all day, but thank God it didn't! It was a perfect day! I hired my favorite photographer, Deanna Masella, to come capture some memories of Jaxon's birthday party. She did a fantastic job of course! You can take a look at some of the pics on her
My cousin got married the weekend of Jaxon's birthday. Jaxon was the ring bearer. I was so nervous about how he would do, but he was FANTASTIC!!! He looked sooo cute in his tux. I got teary eyed when he walked down the aisle. lol. He started off real good, got about half way down, tossed his pillow aside and ran to me! It was cute. He is such a big boy, and talking soooo good these days. He blows my mind. I am so thankful for him. Sometimes I feel like my heart could explode with the amount of love I have for him!
I love my bff's. I love them more than they will ever know. Deanna (my favorite photographer) got a wonderful photo of all of us at Jaxon's birthday party that I cannot wait to get in a frame. We have all been friends for so long and even though some of us don't get to see each other as often as we like, when we do get together we just pick up right where we left off. I thank God for them everyday and I absolutely can't imagine my life without them.
Have you ever heard of TOMS shoes? You know the commercial....where if you buy a pair, then they give a pair of shoes to a child in need. Well, I have been wanting some TOMS for awhile now. I think they are cute and I love a good cause! My husband thinks they are ugly, but he bought me a blue pair last weekend as part of my Mother's Day gift. They are soooo comfy!!! I love them sooo much! Last night I was on and saw the silver sparkly ones....if you know me then you know I love a good sparkly anything! I couldn't resist! I ordered them! I just love the fact that when you buy a pair of shoes, you are also giving a pair to a child in need. If you don't have some, get some! You won't regret it!
Today is the day before Mother's Day and we have just been hanging out at home. My house is clean, my yard is mowed, my trees are trimmed, we have played outside and Jaxon is now napping. We are taking my in laws out to dinner tonight for Mother's day and I am so looking forward to a wonderful evening with them. I hope all of you Mommies out there are as blessed and as in love as I am. May you each have a glorious day with your loved ones!
At the beginning of April I went into the hospital. (Back in January I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that I will need to monitor for the rest of my days. Not going to get into so many details, nor is it super alarming or scary, but it is what it is.) I was checked in on a Tuesday and got released on Saturday. Those were the longest days of my life!!! Being away from my family was so incredibly hard. I'm the MOM! I take care of things. Not cooking dinner, not laying out clothes, not giving baths or reading bedtime stories....hurt my heart! Well, my super-dad of a husband was FANTASTIC! He took care of EVERYTHING! I made him go to work, as, Really? What is there to do in a hospital room? He took care of Jaxon, coordinated with our wonderful friends and one of his brothers to watch Jaxon for a few hours each night so he could bring me dinner and visit. He brought Jaxon up a few times so I could see him. We had a wonderful McDonald's picnic right on my hospital bed. And of course, I got wonderful visits from my super great friends, phone calls, flowers, books, magazines, and cookies! My heart is still so full from all the love and support that was given to me. Our pastor and music leader came up to the hospital to visit and pray with me and I just thought that was so wonderful. I had alot of time to read, think, and pray while I was in there. My doctor felt that my issue flared up due to stress, and I had to agree. I was so overwhelmed with everything I had going on in April, and I was slightly stressed at work. I just couldn't say no to anything or anyone that asked me to do something or invited us to go somewhere. I try so hard to be super mom and I'm hear to tell ya, that is one hard job! Especially if a super mom has a full time job! Since leaving the hospital I can say that I do feel great! I'm a couple of different medications, one being steroids. Aside from them making my face super puffy, and keeping me up at night...I can't complain. You'd be surprised what all you could get done at 4 o'clock in the morning! LOL My doctor said I have a long road, as I'm not in the clear yet, but I am very hopeful and optimistic. As I was walking into work one morning shortly after my hospital stay, this sweet Christian man that works with me was walking in at the same time. When he turned around and saw me his eyes lit up and he said, "Sarah, I heard this song on the radio on my in this morning, and it was called, "It's Over." I don't what you are going through, but I thought about you when I heard that song, and God really laid it on my heart to tell you that whatever it is you are dealing with, its over." I smiled and said, "thank you." As I was going up the elevator I got a little teary. God works in mysterious ways, and I feel like HE uses his people to speak to us. HE has blessed me beyond belief and I thank HIM everyday for all that HE has provided.
Lets see, so much to say, yet I just can't seem to find a place to begin.
Our sweet Jaxon turned 2 on April 22nd. We had a wonderful birthday party for him at the park down by our house. It was supposed to rain all day, but thank God it didn't! It was a perfect day! I hired my favorite photographer, Deanna Masella, to come capture some memories of Jaxon's birthday party. She did a fantastic job of course! You can take a look at some of the pics on her
My cousin got married the weekend of Jaxon's birthday. Jaxon was the ring bearer. I was so nervous about how he would do, but he was FANTASTIC!!! He looked sooo cute in his tux. I got teary eyed when he walked down the aisle. lol. He started off real good, got about half way down, tossed his pillow aside and ran to me! It was cute. He is such a big boy, and talking soooo good these days. He blows my mind. I am so thankful for him. Sometimes I feel like my heart could explode with the amount of love I have for him!
I love my bff's. I love them more than they will ever know. Deanna (my favorite photographer) got a wonderful photo of all of us at Jaxon's birthday party that I cannot wait to get in a frame. We have all been friends for so long and even though some of us don't get to see each other as often as we like, when we do get together we just pick up right where we left off. I thank God for them everyday and I absolutely can't imagine my life without them.
Have you ever heard of TOMS shoes? You know the commercial....where if you buy a pair, then they give a pair of shoes to a child in need. Well, I have been wanting some TOMS for awhile now. I think they are cute and I love a good cause! My husband thinks they are ugly, but he bought me a blue pair last weekend as part of my Mother's Day gift. They are soooo comfy!!! I love them sooo much! Last night I was on and saw the silver sparkly ones....if you know me then you know I love a good sparkly anything! I couldn't resist! I ordered them! I just love the fact that when you buy a pair of shoes, you are also giving a pair to a child in need. If you don't have some, get some! You won't regret it!
Today is the day before Mother's Day and we have just been hanging out at home. My house is clean, my yard is mowed, my trees are trimmed, we have played outside and Jaxon is now napping. We are taking my in laws out to dinner tonight for Mother's day and I am so looking forward to a wonderful evening with them. I hope all of you Mommies out there are as blessed and as in love as I am. May you each have a glorious day with your loved ones!
Monday, March 08, 2010
My Robot
For those of you that really KNOW Jason (my robot), then you will probably understand that what I am about to reveal in this tiny little blog made my night!
So as we were watching (me more so than him, lol) the cheesy Jason and Molly wedding (The Bachelor) I asked Jason for a hug, which I often do. As I was squeezing him I said, "AWWWW , Do you love me as much as you did the day you married me?" And expecting him to say something smart or sarcastic, he walked away and said, "No, I love you more." Of course I got all giddy and mushy, but I could tell as he was walking away he was smiling.
I love him.
My wonderful inlaws are coming in this weekend to babysit Jaxon so we can go out and celebrate Jason's 32nd birthday with good friends. I am very excited!!!
good night my dear friends.
So as we were watching (me more so than him, lol) the cheesy Jason and Molly wedding (The Bachelor) I asked Jason for a hug, which I often do. As I was squeezing him I said, "AWWWW , Do you love me as much as you did the day you married me?" And expecting him to say something smart or sarcastic, he walked away and said, "No, I love you more." Of course I got all giddy and mushy, but I could tell as he was walking away he was smiling.
I love him.
My wonderful inlaws are coming in this weekend to babysit Jaxon so we can go out and celebrate Jason's 32nd birthday with good friends. I am very excited!!!
good night my dear friends.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
This and That
I sure can't believe January went by so fast. Lots of fun things going on in the Miles house!
January 17th marked a special day for Jason and I. We have been together for 10 years! It blows my mind to think of us THEN and to see how far we have come NOW. Jason is my very best friend and I cannot imagine my life without him. I don't tell him often enough, but I am so very thankful for the father and husband that he is.
Jaxon is now 21 months old. It hurts my heart a little that my sweet baby boy is growing up. Jason asked me the other night when we were going to turn his crib into a toddler bed. With a deep sigh, I replied, "When he turns 2." It is such a bitter sweet time in his life. I miss my sweet baby, but I so much enjoy watching him grow and learn fun new things. For example, I came home last night from eating dinner with a couple of my girlfriends, and Daddy had taught him this: Daddy, "What does Mommy say?" Jaxon, "NO! NO! NO!" Daddy, "What does Daddy say?" Jaxon, "YES! YES! YES!" LOL It really is funny.
Two weekends ago my besties (Marissa, Courtney, and Traci) and myself took a little road trip to Oklahoma to visit Rhonda and Ava. Sweet Ava turned 4 in December and we drove up to give her some birthday gifts and hang out with Rhonda. Rhonda's husband Thomas watched Jaxon and Ava while us girls went to get mani's and pedi's. While we all agreed that they were fantastic pedicures, we might as well have let Ava and Jaxon do the painting! Ohhhh our paint jobs were awful! LOL None the less, we all got to hang out together and catch up, which is what it was all about anyway. I am so very blessed to have great friends and I hope they all know how much I love them.
While listening to KLTY on my way home from work one day I heard that Elmo and Friends were coming to Grand Prairie to the Nokia Theatre. I immediately told Jason and we got tickets for Feb. 27th. I really don't know who is more excited, me or Jaxon. Elmo is his favorite and we watch him all the time on T.V. I have heard great things about the show and cannot wait to see the look on Jaxon's face when he gets to see Elmo live!
My job is going really well. I really, really love all the people I work with. Last Tuesday night we had our team outing and we all went bowling in downtown Dallas. I really enjoyed myself, even though I suck at bowling! LOL I suppose the one and only thing I can complain about is the traffic. While typically it is really not that bad all, heaven forbid it be raining! Thursday Jason stayed home with Jaxon as he had a little bit of a cough. I called Jason crying my eyes out (again) at about 6:30pm because I still hadn't made it home yet. It was cold and rainy out and I35 was just a mess! I can say though, that I LOVE when school is out because I fly home! So come on summer time!!
I made just a couple Resolutions for 2010, being a better blogger for one, and $aving $aving $aving! I set aside a monthly goal that I would like to save each month (for our moving fund) and I am proud to say that I was able to make that wonderful transfer today! Jason and I know we will be in this house for the next year or two, but I want to start saving now so that we are able to make a healthy down payment on our next home.
I hope that you all are having a great start to a new year!
January 17th marked a special day for Jason and I. We have been together for 10 years! It blows my mind to think of us THEN and to see how far we have come NOW. Jason is my very best friend and I cannot imagine my life without him. I don't tell him often enough, but I am so very thankful for the father and husband that he is.
Jaxon is now 21 months old. It hurts my heart a little that my sweet baby boy is growing up. Jason asked me the other night when we were going to turn his crib into a toddler bed. With a deep sigh, I replied, "When he turns 2." It is such a bitter sweet time in his life. I miss my sweet baby, but I so much enjoy watching him grow and learn fun new things. For example, I came home last night from eating dinner with a couple of my girlfriends, and Daddy had taught him this: Daddy, "What does Mommy say?" Jaxon, "NO! NO! NO!" Daddy, "What does Daddy say?" Jaxon, "YES! YES! YES!" LOL It really is funny.
Two weekends ago my besties (Marissa, Courtney, and Traci) and myself took a little road trip to Oklahoma to visit Rhonda and Ava. Sweet Ava turned 4 in December and we drove up to give her some birthday gifts and hang out with Rhonda. Rhonda's husband Thomas watched Jaxon and Ava while us girls went to get mani's and pedi's. While we all agreed that they were fantastic pedicures, we might as well have let Ava and Jaxon do the painting! Ohhhh our paint jobs were awful! LOL None the less, we all got to hang out together and catch up, which is what it was all about anyway. I am so very blessed to have great friends and I hope they all know how much I love them.
While listening to KLTY on my way home from work one day I heard that Elmo and Friends were coming to Grand Prairie to the Nokia Theatre. I immediately told Jason and we got tickets for Feb. 27th. I really don't know who is more excited, me or Jaxon. Elmo is his favorite and we watch him all the time on T.V. I have heard great things about the show and cannot wait to see the look on Jaxon's face when he gets to see Elmo live!
My job is going really well. I really, really love all the people I work with. Last Tuesday night we had our team outing and we all went bowling in downtown Dallas. I really enjoyed myself, even though I suck at bowling! LOL I suppose the one and only thing I can complain about is the traffic. While typically it is really not that bad all, heaven forbid it be raining! Thursday Jason stayed home with Jaxon as he had a little bit of a cough. I called Jason crying my eyes out (again) at about 6:30pm because I still hadn't made it home yet. It was cold and rainy out and I35 was just a mess! I can say though, that I LOVE when school is out because I fly home! So come on summer time!!
I made just a couple Resolutions for 2010, being a better blogger for one, and $aving $aving $aving! I set aside a monthly goal that I would like to save each month (for our moving fund) and I am proud to say that I was able to make that wonderful transfer today! Jason and I know we will be in this house for the next year or two, but I want to start saving now so that we are able to make a healthy down payment on our next home.
I hope that you all are having a great start to a new year!
Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy New Year Everyone!
Jason and I didn't do anything exciting to ring in the New Year. I let Jaxon sleep with us and about 3 minutes to midnight Jason woke me up to tell me the ball was dropping. We watched everyone celebrate on tv for a few minutes, kissed, and I fell back asleep.
A year ago today Jason got some terrible news that his boss had passed away. I won't ever forget that day and I still continue to pray for his family. Russell Kasper was a fantastic mentor, and friend and I know Jason misses him a lot.
Jason and I invited a few friends over today to cook a New Years Day lunch. After finally getting all the dishes clean, my kitchen back in order, and settled down, I have to say how fun it was! Jason and I spent 2 1/2 hours in the kitchen cooking together. He made a Spinach and artichoke dip from Rachel Ray along with his mothers famous cabbage, and grilled chicken and steak kabob's. I made his mothers potato salad, and broccoli rice casserole. I have to say that I am super proud of myself (I even called my mother-in-law to gloat a bit) because I finally mastered the broccoli rice casserole AND I made her potato salad to Jason's specifications! The whole time I was making it he kept looking over his shoulder telling me, "it has to taste JUST like moms!" I played nice for awhile and the last time he said something I told him he was going to make it himself if he didn't hush! LOL The food was amazing! Jason said it was the "fanciest" meal we had ever made together, lol. After we all ate we played a couple of games of Chicken Leg and then ate some yummy Junior's Cheesecake that Courtney brought over. It was nice to get to enjoy a good meal and spend time with good friends.
One of the gifts Jaxon got from his Nana and Papa was a tent with a connecting tunnel. After cleaning out and reorganizing my spare bedroom I set up Jaxon's tent and we played in it for a bit. I set the tunnel up in the hallway and thought I would take a try and crawling through it.......yep, I got stuck! That made for a good laugh!
All in all it has been a pretty productive day! Now, going to try and start a new book....Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult.
Jason and I didn't do anything exciting to ring in the New Year. I let Jaxon sleep with us and about 3 minutes to midnight Jason woke me up to tell me the ball was dropping. We watched everyone celebrate on tv for a few minutes, kissed, and I fell back asleep.
A year ago today Jason got some terrible news that his boss had passed away. I won't ever forget that day and I still continue to pray for his family. Russell Kasper was a fantastic mentor, and friend and I know Jason misses him a lot.
Jason and I invited a few friends over today to cook a New Years Day lunch. After finally getting all the dishes clean, my kitchen back in order, and settled down, I have to say how fun it was! Jason and I spent 2 1/2 hours in the kitchen cooking together. He made a Spinach and artichoke dip from Rachel Ray along with his mothers famous cabbage, and grilled chicken and steak kabob's. I made his mothers potato salad, and broccoli rice casserole. I have to say that I am super proud of myself (I even called my mother-in-law to gloat a bit) because I finally mastered the broccoli rice casserole AND I made her potato salad to Jason's specifications! The whole time I was making it he kept looking over his shoulder telling me, "it has to taste JUST like moms!" I played nice for awhile and the last time he said something I told him he was going to make it himself if he didn't hush! LOL The food was amazing! Jason said it was the "fanciest" meal we had ever made together, lol. After we all ate we played a couple of games of Chicken Leg and then ate some yummy Junior's Cheesecake that Courtney brought over. It was nice to get to enjoy a good meal and spend time with good friends.
One of the gifts Jaxon got from his Nana and Papa was a tent with a connecting tunnel. After cleaning out and reorganizing my spare bedroom I set up Jaxon's tent and we played in it for a bit. I set the tunnel up in the hallway and thought I would take a try and crawling through it.......yep, I got stuck! That made for a good laugh!
All in all it has been a pretty productive day! Now, going to try and start a new book....Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult.
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