For Better......For Worse, but not for granted.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Since I have been out of the hospital and on steroids I have gained a little weight. The doctor informed me that I would get a little puffy, but I knew that...because, hello! they are steroids! I don't care about the weight gain so much as I just want to be healthy. Well, a few weeks ago at my cousin's wedding someone approached me and asked if we were expecting another baby. I didn't really get terribly offended, as I just thought maybe she had noticed my slight weight gain since the last time she had seen me. Well the following Monday when I went to pick up my child from daycare one of the mothers of a child in Jaxon's class came up to me and said, "Aw I didn't know you guys were expecting again!" I nicely told her I was not, that it was my medication that has made me gain a few pounds, smiled and walked away. Of course I instantly called my husband crying when I got into my car. He made me feel slightly better, but those sort of comments you just don't forget. Especially being that they were 2 days within each other.

WELL TODAY (AND YES I AM TYPING IN CAPS BECAUSE I AM STILL SO UPSET!!) WHILE SHOPPING AT THE MALL WITH A COUPLE OF MY BFF'S, COURTNEY AND MARISSA, MY HUSBAND AND OF COURSE JAXON, THIS MAN WALKS UP TO ME AND HANDS ME A POSTCARD ADVERTISING HIS PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS AND TELLS ME TO CALL HIM WHEN MY BABY COMES. ARE YOU STINKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!!!! Well I instantly teared up. I mean, seriously, I don't get people! You should NEVER under any circumstances assume that a woman is pregnant unless you are 110% sure. I have always been relatively thin so I know that people are thinking, "Wow, Sarah sure has put on a few!" I'm on steroids people!!!! I am constantly hungry!! I know that once I get off of them (hopefully) I will get rid of some of this excess junk...but until then, I'm going to just focus on getting healthy.

Deal Lord,
Please continue to heal my body and help rid me of this disease. As for the next person that asks me if I am pregnant, please give me the strength NOT to want to punch them directly in the throat! In your name I pray,


Andrea Nykamp said...

I'm sorry, Sarah! People are so stupid sometimes! I have seen recent pictures of you that you have posted, and I DO NOT think you look pregnant! Good grief! People are idiots!

Riss said...

I agree with Andrea. People don't have the sense God gave them! I personally would not have handled that situation as gracefully as you did. I like to go straight to punching... :)

A Smiling Heart said...

Sarah- You are beautiful inside and out! Don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise!

I'm so sorry you had to deal with that at my wedding. Unfortunatley, some people just have no class at all!

Don't worry about the mouthbreathers of this world and just focus on getting healthy! That's all that matters! <3

Erin said...

Friend, I saw you Saturday and I thought you looked great!!! People are just stupid!!! Learn some manners people!!!!!

Sarah Beth Miles said...

thank you sooo much friends! I heart ya'll!!!