For Better......For Worse, but not for granted.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Fun!

The weekend of June 12 my bff's and I went to see Tim McGraw and Lady A in concert. We sat out on the lawn and enjoyed each other's company and great music. When the concert was over we sat on the lawn until every last person had left! We hung out til about 1am....and let me tell you, that is LATE for me! I had sooo much fun though! We laughed, and people watched, and even had breakfast at Whataburger.

Last weekend (Juneteenth) Jason and I celebrated our 6 year wedding Anniversary. Jaxon went and stayed with is Papa and Nana and we enjoyed a weekend together. We saw a movie with friends, enjoyed dinner, and sleeping in! I got a BEAUTIFUL 1.5 carrot diamond "right hand" ring. I LOVE it!!! I stare at it about 500 times a day! I got Jason season 2 of True Blood and some contraption that goes on his xbox to make it run faster/better? The Sunday after our Anniversary was Father's day. We went up to Corsicana to go to church with Jason's family, and then afterwards enjoyed lunch and family time before loading up Jaxon and heading home. It was a great weekend.

We had our yearly garage sale this weekend. I like to try and do 2 a year, and I like to do them in the fall and spring, but time got the best of me and sadly I waited until summer for this one. I said I would go from 7am-11am to stay out of the heat, and we were pretty successful. We made almost $400! The night before our sale while we were getting the baby clothes organized and put into tubs and I started crying. My sweet boy is just growing up so fast, and getting rid of some of his baby clothes broke my heart a little. We did sell our ping pong table, and some patio furniture. I sold one of my Coach purses and my Nintendo DS. Those were our big ticket items! LOL Jason worked so hard all day long today completely cleaning out our garage. It looks so beautiful! He set up Jaxon's little basketball goal he got for his birthday so now hopefully we can play!

After our yard sale we took a nap and then took Jaxon to see his very first movie at the theatre! I was more excited than he was, that's for sure! We took him to see Toy Story 3! He loves Buzz and Woody and watches the first two at home so good, I figured he would do just fine at the theatre. He did great! He ate 2 buckets of popcorn!! LOL Jason and I enjoyed the movie as well. I cried like a baby!! If you have seen it then you'll know why. I thought it was a great show and can't wait to own it.

July is full of so much fun! My super great friend Marissa and I share July birthday's and we have great things planned. For her birthday we are heading to OK to visit Rhonda and have a girls night out! I am very excited! I love my bff's and look forward to time with them. For my birthday we are going to Schlitterbahn! Jason and I LOVE that place and I am super pumped about going this year!

Something else I'm SUPER excited about is getting in to see this new doctor that I found in Dallas that specializes in UC/CD. I'm getting a second opinion. I've waited long enough I believe, and I keep telling myself over and over that a second opinion is the only thing that is going to make me feel better and calm my fears. This particular DR books about a month or two out, so after getting all my records and paperwork sent from office to another I was finally able to make an apt! By the grace of God, somebody had cancelled so I got the July 7th spot! I literally jumped up and down when they called me! I have been in so much pain, and not able to sleep. I can't take it anymore. I tried to go walking with my neighbor the other night and I couldn't even finish. My legs and joints hurt so incredibly bad. I wake up about 3-4 times each night in so much pain. I've even slept on the couch once so as not to wake Jason up. My weight gain makes me HATE looking in the mirror and I avoid camera's at all cost! I know its the side effects of the medication, but I just can't go on like this. I'm hoping this new doctor will maybe lead me in a different direction or at least give me some different feedback. I'm super glad she's a woman, and in Dallas, right by my work, so I don't have to keep driving back and forth into Denton all the time.

I hope you all are having a great start to the summer and I will keep you posted after my doctor appt!


Riss said...

Great blog friend!! I heart you!

Riss said...
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